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Peer - Reviewed

conditionally accepted

From Entertainment to Engagement? Celebrities' Political Messaging and Audience Response in the Digital Age

K. Jonathan Klüser

conditionally accepted

Blurring Lines. Economic Equality and Equal Rights concepts of center‐ and far‐right parties, 1970‐2020

Alexander Horn, Martin Haselmayer, and K. Jonathan Klüser


Neoliberal, meritocratic, and “woke”? Mapping the Left’s concepts of equality (with new data), 1970‐2021

Alexander Horn, K. Jonathan Klüser, and Martin Haselmayer


Unequal German Democracy and the Rise of the “Lifestyle- Left”? How Left Parties in Germany Conceive of (In)Equality, 1970-2021

Alexander Horn, K. Jonathan Klüser, and Simon Rittershaus



Christian Breunig and K. Jonathan Klüser


The Role of Media Coverage in Platform Policy Change

Nahema Marchal, Emma Hoes, K. Jonathan Klüser, Meysam Alizadeh, Felix Hamburg, Christian Katzenbach, and Maël Kubli


Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

Daniela Beyer, Christian Breunig, and K. Jonathan Klüser



Colleagues or Adversaries: Ministerial Coordination across Party Lines

K. Jonathan Klüser, David Schmuck, and Ulrich Sieberer


Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media

Content Moderation As a Political Issue: The Twitter Discourse Around Trump's Ban

Meysam Alizadeh, Fabrizio Gilardi, Emma Hoes, K. Jonathan Klüser, Maël Kubli, Nahema Marchal


Political Science Research & Methods

Keeping Tabs through Collaboration? Sharing Ministerial Responsibility in Coalition Governments

K. Jonathan Klüser


European Journal of Political Research

Ministerial Policy Dominance in Parliamentary Democracies

K. Jonathan Klüser and Christian Breunig


Politische Vierteljahresschrift

Policy Agenda-Setting and Punctuated Equilibrium in Comparative Perspective

Daniela Beyer, Christian Breunig, and Christoffer Green-Pedersen, and K. Jonathan Klüser


West European Politics

From Bureaucratic Capacity to Legislation: How Ministerial Resources Shape Governments' Policymaking Capabilities

K. Jonathan Klüser


European Political Science

Can Students be Encouraged to Read? Experimental Evidence from a Large Lecture

Christian Breunig, K. Jonathan Klüser, and Qixuan Yang


Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics

Agenda Setting in Political Decision‐Making

K. Jonathan Klüser and Marco Radojevic

Under Review

(Dis)information for Hire? Dispelling Exaggerated Concerns about Social Media Influencer's Role in Spreading Misinformation

K. Jonathan Klüser and Emma Hoes

Tool for Online Discussions (TOD): A New Experimental Research Platform to Examine the Impact of Content Moderation

Emma Hoes and K. Jonathan Klüser

Party Responsiveness to Economic Inequality: Challenging Received Wisdom Using New Data

Alexander Horn, Martin Haselmayer, and K. Jonathan Klüser

Current Projects and Working Papers

Virtual voices, real impact? How entertainment figures encourage prosocial behavior

K. Jonathan Klüser and Sophie Klüser

AI-Generated Deepfakes: Impact on Political Figures' Attributed Credibility and Competence

Sophie Klüser, K. Jonathan Klüser, and Emma Hoes

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